Why subscribe?
My writing ranges over so many fields that it doesn't fit into one or two conventional categories. But beneath the surface jumble it's always about 1) solutions, macro and personal/household 2) understanding the dynamics beneath the surface explanations 3) systems and selective pressure, all of which ultimately serve this purpose: taking control of and improving our own well-being and security.
Our era is one of vast wealth-power inequality, resource depletion and technological changes. All of these dynamics are changing the global order at every scale, which is why I focus on navigating global instability and degrowth via self-reliance, managing burnout and investing in yourself.
Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases originating on my sites www.oftwominds.com and charleshughsmith.blogspot.com.
I won’t flood your inbox
I’m not very chatty. I write two or three substantive posts a week in the journalistic style—easy to read, compact, entertaining. That’s all you’ll receive from me.