
Thank you for the comments!

warm regards,


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Once again Charles Hugh Smith - you nailed it. Thank you.

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For me, born in 1952, the rot and decay started in earnest with the government conspiracy that killed JFK, RFK, MLK Jr., and Malcom X. This led to the Vietnam War, which led to Nixon closing the gold window, which led to high inflation and the stagnation of workers' wages. Also, the wars overseas just kept going to keep a few people very rich in DC and the suburbs as well as on Wall Street.

Americans never demanded an accounting of the four assassinations in the 1960s. So the rotten cancer just kept growing.

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Born the same year in a very different place where I learned what I now consider a universal law: Nobody ever gets punished for their crimes committed under the protective mantle of the state.

More on that point here: https://zorkthehun.substack.com/p/amnesty-really

...so the rot just keeps rotting

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Zork, I read the article. It is very well done. Thanks so much for the link. If there is no accountability or even an apology from the Statist bastards, they can go to hell.

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100% correct! Very few north-Americans care about future generations (other than their direct family)... Burning the land and poisoning the wells for future generations is the political's elite plan. Change my mind.

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The decay can’t be reversed by upbeat inspiration—- says it all. Thanks

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CHS, Your second paragraph is spot-on and exactly how I feel.

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GREAT essay, CHS.

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Nice to see the fire in your belly occasionally, CHS. Thank you. One figure caught my attention - "capital skimmed $149 trillion from wage-earners." I'd love to see the source for this figure, not because I doubt it, but because I may want to back up that fact someday.

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Jeff, a correspondent did the math from the FRED / St Louis Federal Reserve data set posted on the chart. I posted a link to his spreadsheet in this blog post: https://www.oftwominds.com/blogmay24/class-identity5-24.html

warm regards, charles

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“Can anyone claim this is true today with a straight face? If it's true, then show me by doing it yourself. Go get a job at the same wages paid to a 21-year old, work fewer than 30 hours a week, and then rent your own flat, pay for your own car, pay all tuition and fees at a four-year state university and have a bit left over for the occasional bowl of ramen or movie or saving for a vacation.”

Here is an example

Young fellow with large student debt working towards being a teacher

Shares an apartment with four others

No car as cannot afford one

Has several part time jobs to survive

Has a bachelors degree dual major

Frankly i think millions of baby boomers will have to move to other countries for retirement

Out of 73 million maybe 20 million

As will have better quality of life

Not many Americans have two million in savings

And actually that would help Medicare as if living outside America cannot utilize Medicare

There needs to be a national conversation a serious one to discuss the situation

Apparently a group of four men traveled across America by vehicle before the interstate highway system existed

Eisenhower was one of them a young fellow then

Took them 42 days

So this group came up with recommendations

Eventually the interstate highway system was built

As per the trip to Mars I literally had this said to me when I said Musk was useless although worth 200 billion

“But he wants to send people to mars”

Crazy lol

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I am sitting on the idea of a post for a very, very long time, because its foundational reference is very dark. Your post inspired me to finally write it, to make the point that darkness have to be faced, evil must be looked in the eye. I will refer to this post in it.

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