
Timmy, if millionaires are as plentiful as homeless, it must be WHINE Country, as the wealthy are always supremely entitled.... :-) you raise an interesting point about Bread and Circuses. Maybe UBI (universal basic income) will be the Bread and the Circus is our political realm, where nothing actually changes except the chariots on the floor of the Coliseum..... me, I'll take my Bread whole grain, thank you, and a seat in the nosebleed tier for the Circus.... warm regards, charles

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Good summary Charles. Was listening to a YouTube video by Simon Hunt about how the controlling people whoever they are moving us to world war 3 to get Russias stuff

And now I am hearing about conscription coming even for women. 18 to 25 years of age

How does one protects one’s family?

Against catastrophe

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When do the wealthy elites start giving us free beer and bread? Or will it be government cheese?

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Timmy I have been informal checks on houses that have gone through replacement on my street

Some streets all houses are a few streets where still significant number of the small older houses

Am curious because due to layoffs many higher income jobs have falling wages and are hard to find

These large houses won’t have buyers

Will take years to play out of course

Kind of a pump and dump

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David, Here in Sonoma County, Wine Country, the millionaires are as plentiful as the homeless. No shortage of buyers for the million dollar homes...yet.

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