
Gordon, thanks for writing--I am relieved! One reader reckoned my account had been hacked...

David, yes, we have to take it all forever.... hmm....

Juli, I'm happy you got the Deadhead reference.... at a Dead concert a year or two before Jerry passed, a stoned guy sitting behind us told me, "Hey man you look like Phil Lesh!" A compliment to be sure... Carlin was one of the greats, he called it right in so many ways.

Thanks to everyone who got the joke-- warm regards, charles

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Mr. Smith, now that was amusing. I hope you took a nice hot shower after channeling the typical Wokista. :) The late great stand up philosopher George Carlin was indeed one of a kind. I very much miss him. He cared so much that it eventually killed him.

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When I saw the tag-line in my email, I said to myself, "This is NOT what I signed up for when I subscribed to your Substack." Then as I read it, my sarcasm meter pegged, and I said, "YES! This IS what I signed up for!"

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Thank you, Charles! Loved the reference to the Grateful Dead!!! I could hear them singing it…oh for the bad old days.

Perhaps you might channel George Carlin sometime? I can just imagine what he might have to say about us immersed in the 21st century.

And Jack Kerouac-we went from the Beat Generation to the Beaten. With a few stops to absorb enough toxicity to lead us into fear and trepidation of just about everything.

The center will not hold…

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Hilarious Charles

As per “But fortunately there's something that will knock down the toxicity of your gums: Crestfallen Pro-Health Gum Detoxify. Load your toothbrush with this amazing product three times a day--four if you have a midnight snack--and the toxins in your gums will diminish.”

My dentist was trying to get me to use that

I said for how long they said forever

Wot I said


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How I survived to 78 I'll never know!

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"Every inch of you is toxic."

Yeah, that's what she said alright.

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