
David, your daughter is not just brilliant but wise. Secure but invisible is the "gray person" strategy which I promote.

Gordon, you're so right, the GI "surveillance capitalism" and derangement are so immensely profitable that the last thing the Big Tech autocrats would want is an affordable RGI. However, should some organization with influence launch it, they would be hard-pressed to eliminate it. Calling all BTC-rich renegade millionaires....

Like much of my writing, this was a thought experiment (gedanken).

I wonder how many readers got my little joke calling the present version Garbage Internet ( GI = gastro-intestinal), i.e. sewage....

warm regards, charles

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Like this phrase ‘ “Our "protection" boils down to not being worth their attention.’

My daughter is quite brilliant so was asking her would you want to be poor, a billionaire or affluent but anonymous

She said a billionaire needs many bodyguards and high walls so has no privacy it sucks

A poor person has to worry about survival so it sucks to

Affluent and invisible is the best in her opinion

You have privacy and yet can live comfortably

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The RGI may actually exist for select users, but I suspect that it will not be made available for you and me, at any rational price, because the GI serves the interests of the powers that be (TPTB). They want to stress us, to feed us garbage, to keep us at each other's throats, etc. Providing an RGI, even at $50/mo or whatever, would run contrary to their interests. Of course, they might offer a curated RGI where only opinions and "facts" that they approve of are allowed to pass the gates. In sum, I simply don't believe that there are any gatekeepers out there that I would trust to filter out the trash and provide me with straight and honest information, even under the restrictions you have posited.

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Charles I am very disappointed not only in the internet but in many subscription publications

I won’t name them as am disappointed in all of them

My impression which may or may not be correct is that it is due to not just corporate capture but by a few people

A handful of people/families now own every major publication

One family owns many well known publications both business and “news”

And if you watch for slant or bias it’s very obvious

Plus doing real journalism is dangerous and expensive

Of course this media is digital now too

I have been following substack as find it more fruitful and interesting

“Medium” I found extremely disappointing

Keep up the good work Charles it’s appreciated

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