Hello CHS - You asked whether anyone smells a crash coming up. I say that the whole financial services industry smells like putrid rotten fish. There are all sorts of hidden conflicts of interest that are never disclosed to consumers, mechanisms by which the money of consumers is siphoned away. For example, consider 12(b)(1) fees, something about which most mutual fund investors know nothing, but they are used to steal the investors' money covertly. The industry players could at least have the decency of revealing their "fees." But no, a complacent and well-entrenched system of theft has no such ethical codes and feels no heat from the government to reveal anything like that. We are at the point where theft and extortion have become institutionalized. So I smell the crash, but I have for decades. It is only through the masterful computer-assisted smoke-and-mirrors that the delusion has persisted this long. We are long overdue for the collapse.

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Some say the public sector pension funds are in big trouble so are going to be some angry retired school teachers but I know nothing

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I believe it's ill-advised for anyone to base their "retirement plans" on a fixed pension fund payment continuing to be paid out regularly.

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Yes with American bankruptcy law the “firm” can declare bankruptcy

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The Wall Street banksters will try to keep it going as long as they can, to draw everybody in the tank.

I'm actually surprised that a crash hasn't happened yet; I was anticipating one from 2023 onward.

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So, so true. Great perception of the facts. Prior to the great crash of 1929 the shoeshine boys were offering "hot" stocks tips to their customers. Unfortunately, we have a lot of shoeshine boys these days; they just wear suits and ties and their hands are unworn by physical work. Can't inspect their brains but suspect they resemble their hands with regard to useful work.

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Great information, CHS. A crash is coming sooner than later. And as you've often mentioned, we are in an Everything Bubble, so many financial and business sectors will be affected. Societal issues will worsen. Time to put on the gas masks and batten down the hatches.

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I am following global liquidity

Pump me up

So that is still optimistic and positive for stocks

Lots can go wrong when are walking a tightrope lol

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Just need a black swan event as a trigger

Or a grey swan

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I expect the SPX to return to 3000 and have for a long time. I've figured that into my financial planning.

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Visiting rural Canada was amazing the huge changes

Rich people buying up properties even far from any city

Building fancy cottages

Now a formerly quiet lake that had a few cottages completely surrounded with private cottages and covered with noisy jet skis and power boats etc

No peace and quiet

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