
Here's an AI generated podcast about my essay 2024, A Year of No Significance (11:24 min)


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I like to listen to interviews with investment managers

I agree that our elites have a computer with one button “print”

USA cannot be invaded per say like Rome so only issue is internal turmoil as people cannot feed their families due to cost of living

Also the elite think that if they import millions of desperate people that will help

Cannot see a good ending

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David, I see the USA disintegrating into sections, just like Rome devolved into colonies. If there is a nuclear war, some areas of North America will be No Go Zones.

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Anyone who hasn't been preparing for quite some time, is out of time and luck. That means a lot of desperate people. Desperate people do stupid and dangerous things. Unless Certain Parties get their wish, I don't see nukes as an option. But I can see entire sections of the country breaking up into regional powers. The next few years will tell the tale. Some of us have been expecting whats coming for more than forty years. But those who Rule keep pulling rabbits out of their hats. It remains to be seen what they will do next. "May you live in interesting times, and come to the attention of important people:"

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I'm not so sure USA cannot be invaded. It's unlikely, but not an impossibility. Of course, then everything is off the table.

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Well, at least in 1939 some really great movies came out like "Casablanca", "Wizard of Oz", "Gone With the Wind", "Wuthering Heights", "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington", "Stagecoach", "Hunchback of Notre Dame", and "Ninotchka".

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Great classics there

An older movie Fritz Lang’s Metropolis seems prophetic

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Collapse seems to be inevitable. What happens then? Modern Rome happened somehow after the collapse of Rome and now seems destined for another collapse. Is this the verification of cycles in history? In any case, I have tried to tell my family members to prepare for not having things which they take for granted: Water, food, personal protection, communications, etc. I have done this reguarly over the past two decades and the big payoff is that they have blocked my email exhortations. Now what? This is a very important CHSmth article and I hope that it receives some serious reflection by many people. Again, Denial is just a river in Egypt for most people. Very sad!!!!

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