
David, have you heard of the Chapwood Index? It is based on real-world prices and attempts to do what you envision. MIT has the "million prices" index as well, though this isn't weighted so it's deceptive: if the major expenses rise, they're not offset by some occasional low-cost purchase going down in price.

Personally, I think the best approach is go back 40+ years and measure the purchasing power of wages then and now. Example: my tuition and student fees at a 4-year state university was $232 a year in 1975. That's about $1,400 in today dollars. The tuition at my alma mater (University of Hawaii) is now $14,500--almost exactly 10-times the inflation-adjusted price of 1975.

It took 40 hours of work for me to pay my annual tuition in 1975. Today it would take 966 hours for a student earning $15/hour. Throw in student fees . junk fees and let's round it off to 1,000 hours of labor.

So tell me again how we're so much better off now because I can stare at a phone all day long and cars have rearview cameras....

The nation-state serves a purpose. Without it, we end up with mafioso-warlords and "warring states". Actually, the Han and Roman empires were pretty good deals for the residents. Just pay your taxes and don't try to cheat the Empire or carve off a chunk for yourself, and you were protected from the worst abuses. The armies of the Han and Rome were actually rather modest, as both empires relied on diplomacy, trade and bribes to reduce conflicts.

America circa Emerson's era 1840s was a nation-state but it had a light touch on daily life. What can't be sustained goes away, and so what goes away is the unaffordable "Savior State" (my term).

The list of 10 I was given to work with can be boiled down IMO to 1) deglobalization 2) definancialization and 3) war, which is a constant source of instability and surprises.

Thank you for all the comments. warm regards, charles

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Yes had read that Roman Empire at certain stages was a win win situation

I liked the shadow work term you came up with

It’s something I experience a great deal with my family

My wife says it’s as if the system creates lots of office idiot jobs

For example a dental office front desk has 4 people

Same with doctors office

Physical therapist office

It’s insulting to call them office idiots but some do behave that way

Some are like 80 years old and seem like have dementia

But they need to work as cannot retire fully

One woman have seen her 15 times and she still does not remember my name

I feel sad for her actually

She really seems to have dementia

I cannot see things getting better sadly as no politicians are looking at the economic issues

They all just want that political office job so maybe they can get a pension and good healthcare and some “donations”

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Chapwood index makes sense. Thanks Charles

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Great summary Charles

I have been planning 5 different scenarios in my own life to determine and maintain resilience

It’s important to plan for different possibilities in one’s life. An obvious one is death leaving a family with no father. So life insurance and assets for survivors

Having a second passport

Or even third passport

Having some sound money

Guaranteed income

Can you survive a 70 percent market correction

Your neighborhood becoming unlivable

Kids education options under different scenarios

Two reliable vehicles


The future is unpredictable

But as the old saying goes “have dry powder”

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CHS writes a great article, but in my opinion, the nation state is a dead idea. People are waking up. They are selling their city homes and 401ks. They are moving to the country and starting farms and small businesses that deal locally, not globally.

Eventually, there will be a tax revolt against the state.

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Lot of sense in that

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Charles I have tried to use Shadiw stats guess John Williams is the creator

It’s the worst designed web site I have ever seen

As I have expertise was wondering if during my retirement should build a transparent site for tabulating inflation data

Since have Walmart online Amazon online etc it should be incredibly doable

Can get information from Zillow on equivalent rents etc

Am not in it for making money but more for creating transparency

If we are lied to about inflation then basically real incomes real GDP and everything are lies

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If I squint really, really hard, I think that I could write a semi sane, reasonable paper for 2-9, but 1 and 10 are just insane. None of these actions are prudent at all, which means that some countries are going to one or more.

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Charles I wonder what the world would be like if the illusion parts were dropped

Sort of a utopian question or maybe dystopian how it would be hard to fathom


So lending money with interest would not exist. So banks could not create money for mortgages and charge interest so essentially all houses would be bought with cash or on some sort of extended payment mechanism

2. Politicians could not lie so would be prosecuted for fraud if did.

3. Companies could not issue common stock. People would make real investments in the company and would have part ownership. So basically all companies would be private

4. Government positions would be very numerous say 1000s of senators and representatives. 5 simultaneous presidents picked by lottery. All political positions filled by lottery for two year terms max one per lifetime

5. Fiat money would be illegal

Would need a peg to something real like gold

We are so immersed in this strange miasma that it’s hard to imagine anything else

6. Universal healthcare to reduce the shadow work you have mentioned

7. Corporations would not be people

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Sorry also

8 end income tax

9 end federal reserve

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Am wondering if there is simulation software where can put in a bunch of constraints for a government system then see what outcomes would arise with different possibilities

It’s quite fascinating just pondering different systems

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Charles I need to look more into how the Paul Volker policies increased income inequality and broke the middle class

I view what happened during covid as a repeat at that

But income inequality is already so high that now are pushing people into homelessness or to leave USA

Is this just late stage empire behavior?

Professor Michael Hudson seems to say that

Empire devours its children so to speak

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